Generally, you choose your nail colors to suit your attire and the season. As you wear formal dresses when going to office, it would not be ideal for you to go with the flashy colors that look great on a picnic or a social gathering. You would love to have a decent and somber-looking finish to your nails. Hence, your nail polish set should contain these simple colors that allow you to make a forceful statement and gel with your official attire. Here are six simple shades that would suit all office wear..
Top 6 Nail Colors To The Office
Red Is The Universal Nail Polish Color

Ask anyone to name their three favorite nail polish colors, and you will find red in each one of them. Red allows you to make a forceful statement as it matches with every official outfit. Be it the formal and straightforward official dress or the snappy office suit for an annual general meeting, and red is the ‘Go To’ color if you feel lost for color choices. Red can bail you out of trouble every time. Red will find a prominent place in the list if you go through the best gel polish kit of almost all nail products manufacturers.
Nude Nail Polish Allows You To Express Yourself

Though red is a universal favorite, you would love to have alternatives. The nude colors are the best you can go to because they match your skin tone perfectly. Secondly, the nude shades gel with other nail polish colors and form excellent combinations. However, it is better to go for colors matching with the nude shades. The lighter hues go well with, the darker outfits.
Grey Shades Are The Best For Your Boardroom Meetings

At times, the red shades can look flashy on your fingers, especially during your board meetings. The grey shades should be the best option because they do not distract anyone’s attention. It can be unnerving for a board executive to make her point heard across the room when you have everyone staring at your flashy nails. The grey combos can shift people’s attention elsewhere, making it more comfortable for you.
The Burgundy Combinations Bring Out Your Bright Personality

An office is not only about having board meetings and staff gatherings over a cup of coffee. You need to interact with clients to bring in business. Hence, you have to be at your best appearance all the time. The burgundy shades can look enticing on your nails and help you to attract people towards you. This trait is necessary when you compete with other similar businesses in finding clients. So, when it is time for a client meeting, you can take out the burgundy colors from your nail polish set and have a great time.
White Introduces A Sense Of Calmness To The Surroundings

White is the color of peace. Hence, you will never find any person getting agitated with others wearing white in any form. While you can wear office suits of different colors ranging from black to reds, the white nails stand out as a remarkable feature. It brings calmness to the surroundings and can help calm down agitating members in your office. Besides, white looks great with all color combinations should you decide to go for dual tones on your nails. The white hues should form an indispensable part of the best gel polish kit you can ever have in your cosmetic setup.
Try Out The French Manicure And Impress Everyone Around You

While many people advise against wearing color combos to the office, the French manicure should not be an issue. It is because the French manicure is something special and stands out from the rest. When going for a French manicure, it is always advisable to have the white or lighter band at the edges and go for the darker hue towards the base. First, it helps you impress everyone around you. Secondly, a French manicure gives the impression that you mean business whenever you address your friends, colleagues, and other staff members.
Final Words
Whether you like bright or muted colors should not matter much because you need to have as formal a color tone as possible when you have a nail manicure for an official outfit. We have discussed six popular shades that should form a part of every gel polish kit. While allowing you to make an indelible impression also enables you to feel refreshingly different from your regular routines. Yes, these colors might not qualify as the most enjoyable shades from the best gel polish kit, but they effectively make a forceful statement at your workplace. Today, we are living in times where one should not be afraid to experiment. So, try out these colors with your official outfits and experience the difference in your outlook.